What are simulations?
Simulations are an experiential mode of learning that can take on many different forms. In the typical format we have organized they are in-person role-playing activities, where participants 'act' out a particular role/organization in the context of a scenario. Simulations can be organized in as little as 1-2 hours, or as long as multiple days. We are also involved in running E-Sims, where over a period of days to weeks, participants work together in a collaborative online environment around a particular scenario.
"It was so much fun to participate in a learning exercise that was so much more interactive than the usual didactic global health session."
"I did not realize how little I knew about the global health system until I took part in the simulation."
"Global Health Sim provided a fun and positive environment. For beginners in the field, or even those like me with many years of experience, it was a fantastic learning opportunity."
Why simulations?
In experiential role-playing simulations, participants quickly become aware of the complexities of scenarios. The world of global health is incredibly complex, but through learning-by-doing, and then discussing the experience we can learn more.
We are currently looking for simulations on a wide variety of topics from local to global issues, in all types of settings. If you have an idea, get in touch with us on the Get Involved page! To become involved, consider taking the Facilitator Course to become a Global Health Sim facilitator.
What topics do the scenarios focus on?