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Become a simulation facilitator

Global Health Sim has taken its extensive experience in innovative global health education to create an easy-to-use guide for educators, health professionals, and students to develop their own simulation activities.

This guide is designed to train someone with limited experience with scenario-based learning to be able to write, run, and evaluate their own simulations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is in the Simulation Facilitator Training Manual?

The Manual has six clear and instructive chapters about simulation facilitation:

  1. Introduction to Simulations

  2. Simulation Development and Outline

  3. Simulation Writing and Preparation of Supplementary Content

  4. Simulation Logistics and Facilitation

  5. Debrief and Evaluation

  6. Conclusion and Next Steps

Each chapter contains activities to help you apply your knowledge and links to further learning.

The Manual also contains a wealth of useful bonus content including a sample simulation, templates, formatting guide, e-simulation or virtual simulation instruction and more.

And in case that’s not enough, with the purchase of the Manual, you will have access to tailored advice from GH Sim (

How do I download the Simulation Facilitator Training Manual?

The Manual is available for purchase on Lulu’s e-book store.

Please note that the e-book will download as an EPUB file. EPUB files can be read using a variety of free EPUB reader software.

What if I have more questions?

You can email GH Sim at